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Black garlic: natural, with no flavor enhancers
Black garlic: natural, with no flavor enhancers
Black garlic: natural, with no flavor enhancers

Black garlic: natural, with no flavor enhancers

Black garlic is a completely natural product, using a natural fermentation method that is carried out at high temperatures and high humidity levels for a long time. Garlic sugars and amino acids produce the melanoidins, which are responsible for its black color. S-allyl-cysteine levels in black garlic increase by 4.3 to 6.3 times during the above procedure. Allisin is the most important sulfur compound of garlic which has antimicrobial and antibiotic activity.

Benefits of Black Garlic
Improved blood pressure levels of cholesterol and blood circulation, the anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties of garlic, as well as recent studies showing protective action against serious illnesses and Alzheimer's disease. All above bring Black Garlic to the forefront of healthy way of life and the solutions nature offers for the body.

The natural fermentation gives the black garlic a velvety, soft texture. A sweet and smoky plum and licorice flavor.
It is suitable for sauces, pasta or risotto. dressing for salads, special soups, as well as for marinating meat and fish.

It is a completely natural product without the addition of preservatives and pigments




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Stelios Black Garlic